TGBS Family welcomed Lord Ganesha, on a virtual platform, this August 21, 2020 with great fervor & joyfulness. The Ganesh Chaturthi celebration sparked energy and enthusiasm amongst students, faculty members and all others at TGBS. The event was very well coordinated by PGDM Students. They enthusiastically participated in a series of cultural events from dance, to e-skit to quiz centered on Lord Ganesha. Sharing’s on the leadership lessons that we learn from “Bappa” were relevant & impactful. The positive energy kept flowing with the sound of drum beats even on a virtual platform throughout the event. To add a dash of excitement to the event, students & faculty members were awarded as best dressed, male & female respectively. An exemplary display of team work, creativity, organizational skills, resilience and adaptability with a sparkle of positivity amidst these challenging times was exhibited by students of TGBS. The auspicious celebration witnessed participation from close to 120 members and had key takeaways of hope, vigor & positivity for everyone present.